“What kind of music is it? Who do you sound like?”
These are the two most often asked questions of any original band. For eight years, we tried to find some suitable answers to these questions, and yet still they elude us. As originally envisioned by the band’s founders, Scott and Mark, the sound of Second Story would be primed for the Lilith Fair: warm female vocals, moving lyrics, and lush musical arrangements. Yet as the band developed – and the lineup evolved – that intended musical focus blurred.

Reaching more and more deeply into our many influences, we eventually wound up with a swirling blend of pop, rock, progressive, AAA and electronic styles; a unique “musical soufflé” which generally defies comparison to other established musical groups. With a four capable and experienced singers in the band, we felt that our finely honed vocal blend was our most recognizable asset. But, we were also known for our finely orchestrated arrangements, which often featured unusual playing styles and instruments. All of that aside, it is clear from the first listen to our independently produced, self-titled CD that songwriting came first for Second Story.

The group’s members come from a long and varied history in making music. Among the band members’ past projects are the highly popular “shock rock” group Inspector 12, progressive metal power trio Ransomed Soul, modern rock group Marcella’s Dream (aka Under the Willow) and many more. Members of Second Story have also been involved in various audition-only ensembles, as well as done a number of freelance live and studio sessions.
Over the years we performed, our unique ‘sound’ was found equally appealing by audiences at in-store appearances, outdoor festivals and rock clubs alike; we performed for appreciative audiences at popular venues all over the Delaware Valley. In addition, the band was a featured artist at many special events and concerts, including the Philadelphia AIDS walk, Medford Arts and Music Festival, and many other charity benefits and music festivals.

Ultimately, we simply wrote music that satisfied us creatively. We infused our songs with elements from progressive rock, pop, metal, jazz, trance… and the list goes on. Our sound may not be the “least common denominator” on commercial radio, but for the many people who “get” it, it’s a refreshing break from the norm.